Meet Dr. Lynn
Chiropractic Physician, Dr. Lynn Migdal is a “Holistic Flow Doc” that has helped thousands to find their healthy nutritional, emotional and physical flow and increase their levels of holistic fitness and wellness.
Through her forgiveness and breath flow programs she is known for assisting her clients to move through trauma that adversely affects their personal lives at home and in the work environment.
The tools she has developed have helped her clients effectively live free of the negative influences of their past experiences.
Dr. Migdal is well regarded amongst her peers, patients and community for her Holistic views on Fitness, Health and Leadership. As an expert in the fields of Family Wellness, Chiropractic, Reiki, Breathwork, Energy vibrational medicine, Holistic Healing, and Life Coaching, she is a sought after speaker, author, seminar trainer and private consultant.
Her unique, life-changing approach is revolutionary and produces tangible results. She is a great source of healing to all those she touches with her knowledge, inspiring lectures and numerous holistic programs. She encourages the individual to take the “holistic approach” to life and healing so they can experience the great benefit of peace and total wellness.
Her fresh outlook on improving Breath Flow, Neurological Fitness, Spinal Hygiene, and Disease Prevention supports individuals, families and organizations to live up to their highest physical and mental potential. Over the past 41 years she has owned and directed three successful Natural Healing Centers in Delray Beach, Florida and is currently leading trainings and sessions online and in-person.
She truly believes that her Natural Neurological training in Holistic Resiliency and Emotional Fitness should become mainstream so that everyone can be prepared and strong enough to ride the waves of changes that are upon us.

Dr. Lynn’s Personal Journey with Breath Work
If it was not for my knowledge of the benefits of choosing healthy breath and nerve flow postures, I would not be thriving today. I was fortunate to have already been pre-trained and addicted to the ecstasy and health that this flow achieves when a mudslide killed my two daughters, husband and destroyed my two homes.
My nervous system was healthy and resilient as I had been a Breath Worker for over 30 years before this tragedy. Healthy Breath and Nerve Flow Postures helped me build Holistic Resiliency and flow though sudden and devastating loss.
I am teaching this today so that the masses will wake up and realize that one must work on building holistic fitness and resiliency before disaster or sickness strikes and know that these healthy choices will help you to bounce back from crisis and major changes that may come your way.