Breath-Brain-Fitness Trainings
Dr. Migdal’s “Breathe for Success” Breath Fitness, and Breath Flow Programs are suited for all ages and can be fine-tuned for all types of audiences. They are fun, informative, experiential and stress reducing.
Participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of the importance of proper breath flow and posture and its connection to their brain’s ability to function at a higher level – increasing one’s potential for total fitness and holistic resiliency.
- 2 hour / 4hour / 1 day Training
- 1-10 Day Retreats (South Florida & British Columbia)
Typical Trainings Include:
There is no time like now to discover and to honor the power and health of your very own Brain-Breath-Posture Connection and Flow!
Leadership power is being diminished by unhealthy breath & brain flow postures when using technology such as checking your phone, emails, social media, or texts.
Successful Leaders need to lead themselves into higher levels of holistic fitness if they are going to be a great example and be able to lead their family, their community and their business to higher levels of success.
Learning new breath and posture tools empowers your personal levels of health, focus, love, peace and energy for yourself and your teams.
Honoring the flow of your breath space and brain-breath-posture reconnects you to the true leader that you have always meant to be.
Are you strong enough to thrive before, during and after a disaster?
With all the sickness, grief and disasters that our world is suffering from, there is no better time than now to learn and master the skills of Holistic Resiliency and Emotional Fitness.
Understand the importance of health and increasing one’s levels of emotional fitness through movement, breath and nerve flow posture techniques, laughing and learning resiliency at the same time.
How to go from Women’s Wellness to Enjoying Women’s Greatness – Peaceful Healthy Empowerment Tools for Women of All Ages!
Women will learn natural, holistic tools that can raise their ability to heal through Nutritional, Emotional and Physical Fitness, and Neurological Hormonal health.
These programs are experiential and include learning new ways to breathe and move that enhance health from “ordinary wellness” to higher levels of greatness both in the body and in life.
We will dive deep into the root causes of female diseases and offer natural stress solutions to help heal or prevent them.
From Pre-Menstrual to Menstrual, Pre Natal to Labor and Delivery, Breastfeeding, to Menopause woman of all ages can learn to balance and heal their hormonal body and personal and professional work life.
Aging Gracefully & Your Most Pleasurable Breath Weight: Learn 5 secrets that the anti-aging and weight loss business doesn’t want you to know.
Tired of yoyo dieting and hopping on and off scales? Are you losing and gaining back your weight and feeling frustrated with nowhere else to turn?
Learn the simple truths of “Pleasurable Healthy Breath Posture and Breath Weight” and how it could help you to maintain your weight loss, curb your excessive overeating and increase nutritional wellness.
In these presentations your will discover:
- How the pleasure of full healthy breaths may reduce your desire to overeat, which often leads to constant weight gain, and food abuse!
- A secret that might inspire you to stop constantly jumping on and off of scales.
- How to choose the right weight for your health and not by a number.
- How you can develop a healthy metabolism and find your most pleasurable breath posture and weight.
- How to become a healthy flow addict, achieve high levels of holistic fitness and improve your chances of maintaining a healthy weight through your breathing.
- The Cell Renewal Blueprint for rejuvenation and ageless living.
Increase staff and employee retention while saving money and increasing income.
Invite Dr. Migdal to teach you and/or your company how to raise levels of health, peace, focus and production.
When employees and leaders are not trained on successful stress solutions to balance their personal and professional past, present and future, their health and lives can start to fail personally and the unattended stress begins to have a big impact on their professional life.
In this Training:
- Learn tools to successfully decrease stress, sick days and injuries, and become the best leader of one’s self, family, school and business.
- Create happier and healthier employees trained to use new breath postures that help them become more peaceful, focused and productive.
- Release the true causes of emotional, nutritional and physical stress that is in the way of achieving high levels of prosperity, health and wealth.
- Open up levels of heart-fullness to release the root causes of emotions that may be in the way of healing.
These Trainings are fun, inspirational, entertaining and educational and leave people feeling inspired to use the tools of Holistic Resiliency every day.